Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What Can Little Boys Accomplish When Not Distracted by Little Girls?

If I were to ask what the biggest threat to American wellbeing is, I hope at least a few of you would immediately say China. It was not until recently that I began to truly realize how imminent the issue was at hand. I thought it would be something I would need to concern myself with before the age of 40. Now it seems I might not see 30 before shit hits the fan.
Where to start? I guess the biggest issue right now is the girth of Chinese consumerism. Every preservationist, tree hugging, non-bathing hippies that thought the Suburbian  mother loved the SUV, they shouldn’t go to China. Recent data has shown that SUV sales topped 1 million in the last year. Now SUVs still only make up 10% of the Chinese auto market, relative to 25% the US auto market, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks easily right. This is also a welcome change then reports from back in 2008 and 2009 about the Chinese addiction to SUVs, in which rural consumers would fill up the SUV in town, drive it until it ran out of fuel, and then abandon the vehicle in a ditch on the side of the road. Talk about road trash!
This isn’t to say that China is all about gas guzzling consumption though. No the Chinese want to have their cake and eat it too, even if that means losing government money. Any American environmentalist that still thinks that the US can enter the solar panel market and gain at least a fighting chance at a competitive edge needs to go take an Intro to Trade Theory course, cause China FUCKED US IN THE ASS ON THIS ONE. (They could have at least wine and dined us, or offered a cigarette after). The “Communist” Chinese government has thrown money at Chinese solar panel companies in recent years allowing these companies to play with free money in developing solar panels, and then dump these panels in the international market at below cost. The only option we have is to adopt a protectionist strategy dealing with solar panels, but that insures that we stand no chance of gaining international leverage with is need for long term production. So guys we kind of screwed the pooch on solar. Anyone have another idea? Nuclear? Hydrogen? Fission? Hamster power?
So back to the title of the article (this is where the sexism could rear its ugly head). What can little boys accomplish without being distracted by little girls? Well, they can screw over a world power for one. If you want to know why that Asian guy in your science class is so much better  at math then you are, it’s because in Communist China you no get pussy. China has somewhere around a 3:1 boy to girl ratio, hell former all girls colleges have better gender ratios. Without the distraction of women, and hell even treating their women as lower being (shut up we don’t have it that bad in the US) you can accomplish other things like getting good at math. So when you have a huge male population with no women it turns into a damn 4Chan forum where each individual needs to play the MY PENIS IS BIGGER contest. How do the Chinese play this? Drive SUVs and screw over the economic efficiency of world super powers. This won’t get them any women, but they do get that warm fuzzy feeling inside. That’s all that matters right?

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