Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bringing the Pigs to Slaughter (Or Why Facebook Will Never Get a Dislike Button So STFU Already)

So yesterday I posted an article about how Mark Zuckerberg is going around killing all the meat he eats this year and apparently killed a bison. If you didn’t read it, well here. Now at first I was thinking, this scrawny ass guy couldn’t kill a gold fish, but the more I thought about it this guy has been slaughtering things for year. The Facebook changes implemented last week were designed with the intended goal and lengthening the time people stay on the site. Anyone else notice that they also cut email notifications meaning you need to go to the site more to check what people said. Now if this is news to you, well sorry, but all these changes are deigned to increase the number of ads that Facebook users click on. I’m thinking next month they might just go to web1.0 glitter banners about penis enhancement. Which then brings me to the like/dislike button. We are never going to get it because having a dislike button would allow people to dislike companies directly. Who is going to pay Facebook to advertise knowing that people can just click dislike, it’s a bad business image. So we are not getting a dislike button EVER just shut up about it. We are little pigs sitting around the barn waiting to be slaughtered. Facebook also has the better upper hand because even if we know all of this we still will stay in the barn. People proved that last week when everyone laughed at the suggestion of switching to Google +. Now Google is doing the exact same thing, but Google has so much of your information already and make money through advertisements more than just social media. Hell the only ads I’m seeing on my Google + anymore are for Google product (Chrome Store, Google Offers, etc.). So run around piggies, I smell a Jungle –esk book in the works about the vile disgusting world of social media.   

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