Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene Really STEAMSMYCARROTS

So as if our earthquake was not enough this week here comes big bad Irene. Now one would think that at this time in history Maryland would be no stranger to hurricanes. One would also think that people would have a plan if they live in a flood prone area, but wait no cause those people that live in flood prone areas are still running around on television panicking because they lack flood insurance. Cause you know Isabelle taught us nothing, and water front property in Maryland is low income housing so they can’t afford it right?
Then we have these mandatory evacuations up and down the Eastern Seaboard, including parts of New York City and Ocean City. These should have been expected, and the fact that the government needs to tell people to GTFO of the way of a hurricane still baffles me. Ok, yeah your stuff might get wet. Pack up valuable shit, throw it in your car, GTFO, and then let the flood insurance take care of the rest. Oh wait, people don’t get flood insurance, until after the fact, a lot like how people this week learned that home owner’s insurance doesn’t cover earthquakes either (READ YOUR DAMN POLICIES PEOPLE). So now we have people running around buying earthquake insurance and then Monday people will be calling in to buy flood insurance (hmmm might become an insurance broker over the weekend). Anyone with any kind of sense should know to get the hell out of the hurricane area, except for the mass media (which really backs up my claims that journalists are the dumbest people on the planet). How they can talk about how dangerous and stupid the people that stay in the hurricane’s path are, but then they go to some ass-wipe from The Weather Channel standing on a beach somewhere getting blown over and smashed by waves. Following that clip they tend to show a Home Depot or Lowes which I swear is stock footage of people loading up on plywood, batteries, and generators. Do people in Florida buy a new generator every damn hurricane, they know those aren’t disposable and can be reused again the next hurricane. Batteries are another thing, how many damn batteries do you need, it’s a hurricane lasting 12 hours max. Ok so power is out for three days, you don’t need a lifetime supply of batteries. Did you lose the last life time supply you bought last hurricane? It’s like people and show shovels, I honestly think people throw out their snow shovels after every snow storm (like they go bad or something).
Eggs and milk I’ll never understand either. Now I might be a city-type, but I remember milk and eggs going bad if they don’t have refrigeration, right? So wait we are getting disposable generators and life time supplies of batteries, but then we stock our fridge with eggs and milk that we about kill each other over at the store. Do people not keep like enough food in their homes for three days? ITS GONNA BE A 12 HOUR STORM PEOPLE.
So people, CALM THE FUCK DOWN. If you live in a flood prone area GTFO to higher ground. Go get some nice canned goods (you should have some anyway), and keep a nice book handy just in case. And serious CALM THE FUCK DOWN.